
Percol x The World’s Most Sustainable Pop Up


PR Reach (GBP)


Digital Impressions made


World's Most Sustainable Shop


To educate the public, specifically targeting a younger target audience for Percol, to make small changes in their daily routines on how they consume and interact with coffee in order to be more sustainably conscious. Percol wanted to push the idea of reusable cups (keep cups), moving away from single use plastics and asking their guests to make a pledge on how they can change to be more environment friendly.

The Project will bring together various retail elements from a café set-up to a coffee bean dispense counter; utilising 3 types of Next Generation Project coffee to further educate on the conditions for Percol coffee farmers.

Technological installations will further enhance the ability to empower the consumers through interactive elements and attract them to the Percol brand, moreover their sustainability goals.

The shop & all suppliers will utilise sustainable processes through production to eliminate unnecessary waste, recycle appropriately and achieve the World’s Most Sustainable Coffee Shop Pop-Up.

x We aimed to deliver an immersive consumer experience that would bring to life our brand values as well as our commitment to sustainability in an engaging, informative yet non cliché way. In partnership with our agency Cult, we felt we were able to deliver an experience which resonated with a younger audience and educated all those we reached. x Niomi Bannon, Marketing and Product Manager

Action Required

Brand Ambassadors

One of the highlights for us was the experience received by consumers from the brand ambassadors. We trained the Ambassadors with a briefing script as well as a training day before the event to ensure they were in line with the Percol brand. From this, the staff were extremely knowledgeable about the Percol brand, the brand’s sustainability goals and why consumers should consider making a pledge.

We strongly believe the ambassadors were the difference between success & failure of this
event based against the original brief.


From Bloggers to Radio coverage the media exposure received was abundant & positive. A full PR report was issued detailing significant value in PR and digital footprint for the brand.

Using Percols survey monkey account our ambassadors collected 275 unique emails that can be
utilised by Percol sales team to convert impressions into customers.

Project Management

• Aprox 600 coffees served to the general public; 275 of which provided emails for further education.
• Approx 42 journalists/bloggers/influencers attended media launch with post event positive write ups.
• 102 keep cups sold suggests some customers were truly engaged and empowered by the Percol brand & messaging
• 185 out of 200 attendees to the Time Out event all received a Percol cup and a bag of beans
accounting to further brand exposure.

Venue Sourcing

Sourced a venue in Old Street Station which has a daily footfall of 70,000 people. We also did all licensing, contracts and negotiations with landlords.

Creative direction

We consulted on brand direction and kept the pop up, design and execution in line with the brand's style and ethos whilst making it more relevant to a younger demographic.

Photography & Videography

We brought in our team of photographers and videographers to harness the power of the event for post event marketing and PR.

Have a peak at the end result here: https://vimeo.com/268672797


Exceeded all 7 KPIs but further data will have to wait another quarter
Press: £60k editorial, 500k views, 560k online readership
Attendance levels: 95%
Brand perception: 85% positive

1) Impressions: A system that can track unique customers to the pop-up as well as return visits.
2) Data collection: a true indicator of educating the target audience is whether they provide email addresses to receive further information to continue their own sustainability practices.
3) Media exposure: Further positive impressions from well-regarded media outlets providing their perspective on whether we’ve achieved the World’s Most Sustainable Coffee Shop title.
4) Brand ambassadors: These will be the face of the Pop-Up and need to consistently deliver the right message & educate for further brand engagement/exposure
5) Retail revenue: Are guests purchasing retail product from the store including KeepCups, KeepBags, coffee capsules, coffee drinks and what was the revenue generated from this. A simple idea could be to set up a live tracking system linked to the Epos to indicate which is the most popular product.
6) Brand engagement: Are guests interacting with the various production elements to learn and understand why the pop up exists? Is the tree full of coffee cup leaves with personal messages attached? Are the giveaways at both the media event & Friday night drinks well received?
7) Event execution: Was the project delivered on time, on budget & to the defined brief.

Check out the result here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byvstpLyWGE&t=3s